How long will it take?

Storyline Training sessions run at various lengths. Quick Start and Pro Kit are one-day courses. Power Launch is two days.

You’ll see progress instantly.

Then, as learners start to put their new skills into practice, they’ll continue to develop the efficiency over time.

What do learners need?

Each learner needs a computer, pre-loaded with two apps:

  • Articulate Storyline (licensed or trial version)
  • Microsoft PowerPoint (desirable, but not essential)

That’s all.

Oh, and enthusiasm. BYO enthusiasm.

We’ll bring everything else.

What makes for an appropriate venue?

Our requirements are simple enough.

  • A room that’s suitably sized for the group.
    (We don’t swing cats. We sometimes pretend to.)
  • A projector and screen are handy.
    (We can book them on your behalf, if needed.)
  • Power outlets are vital.
    (We need juice for presentations. Learners need it so their computers stay on.)
  • Internet access, please.
    (Wi-Fi or wired is fine.)

Most modern offices and events venues have them. Chances are, it’s all there already.

If you need help making arrangements, get in touch. Our technicians are handy folk.

Where do Storyline Training sessions take place?

Storyline Training courses are costed for delivery at your preferred venue. Onsite at your office is easy. Or, you can book a venue you like better. Letting you control the venue is one way we continue to offer value.

If it’s more convenient for us to arrange an appropriate venue, let us know. We’ll add it in, easy done.

When do Storyline Training sessions happen?

Corporate training

When do you want it?

In general, we work to your schedule.

Ready-to-run Storyline Training courses typically run during office hours, with enough versatility to ensure you’re well served.

If you need something beyond the norm, let us know.

Open courses

We currently do not run open courses.